Challenging yourself to learn, for well-being and to grow as person
Use your ACTION TIME process to keep you going
My Challenges
This page contains some of my more recent challenges and I will add new ones as I embark on them. I hope they inspire you in some way to take up your own challenges and stretch yourself
My Fasting Challenge
A friend of mine does intermittent fasting constantly and its a part of his life now. He says he feels great and he also looks healthy and fit.
I learned that apart from weight loss it can help with inflammation and a whole list of other positives depending on how long you fast for.
My goal is to do a 48hr fast while only drinking water, coffee, tea etc. If I go further it will be a bonus. After that perhaps a short daily fast from then on for at least a month and see how I get on.
COMPLETE. I went for 53 hours in total and kept active too with little change in routine. I continued following the 2 meals per day fasting after that accept on Saturday evenings and Sunday. This means I eat around 6pm in the evening and don’t eat again until 1pm the following day, followed by my last meal again at 6pm. I will trial this approach for the month.
The 40 days and 40 nights goals
Whether we’re religious or not, at this time, Pancake Tuesday :), some of us cut back or stop doing a bad habit and start a better one or just work at being a more spiritual person. For this time boxed event I’m challenging myself to:
Stop making and eating Sourdough bread. This is my abstain challenge but will also include all forms of bread so I’m not substitute cheating. Since I would usually have crisps with a sandwich I will be giving them up too. COMPLETE
Continue gym work Mon/Wed/Friday BUT be able to do 10 perfect pull ups by Easter. I can do 4 now and 3 perfect. :). This is my start something new challenge. COMPLETE
Embarking on a new career is hard and it’s hit me full in the face I can tell you but I will practice compassion and courage every day. This is my spiritual challenge.
Cold Water! Is it good?
I challenged myself to taking cold showers to see if it helped boost my immune system, fight off colds and sickness, not to mention protect the natural oils in the skin.
I started November 2020 with luke warm showers for a minute or two and finished off with pure cold water. From December 2020 I started to take cold showers only and haven’t looked back. Read my experience on Its Life Blog. I’d love to swim in the sea everyday but logistically its not viable.
Wimhof breathing
I gave Wimhof breathing a go in early 2019 but I stopped shortly after. I challenged myself to really give it another try in October 2020 and I’m still doing it today. I’ve meditated for years but this form of mindfulness is as pure as I’ve come across. Nod to my brother in the picture for suggesting it.
Joining Plant Life
I took on the Veganuary challenge 2020 to see if plant life helped reduce inflammation, ease sinus problems and aid weight loss. I'm still going strong over a year later, however I added fish to my diet which I take at most three times a week.
The benefits were actually amazing for inflammation and my sinus and I will put details in a blog at some stage. One of my favourite mushroom and salad dishes.
Bake Sourdough Bread
During Covid-19 Lock-down 1 I took on the challenge to make my own Sourdough starter and bread. Making sourdough is like coaching as you never know what each loaf will be like and it makes the process so interesting and rewarding. I’m still aiming for the ultimate bake, perhaps this year!
10K steps a day
I do my 10K steps a day. Which can be tough, but my dog helps keep me honest as Hunter needs an hour walk each day, so I can't be lazy and when his paw goes up on your leg, sure you would do anything for him. A friend of mine not only does 10k steps a day but has a calorie target too. Perhaps that is a challenge to look at soon.
I've taken on many DIY challenges over the years and roped my kids into the fun too…
Confidence to take on a job is so important even if you have never done it. When I was growing up I too was roped in to do jobs with my Dad and that gave me a confidence to take on my own work when I had a family. All the jobs below involved help from my kids in some form. I believe its important as a parent to ensure kids are confident and independent before they go out into the world.
I’ve hand painted the kitchen cabinets, laid new foot paths, turned my shed into an insulated Gym and built my own wood shed to name a few of the big tasks I’ve taken on.
I’ve also found that doing physical work was a wonderful break from the day job and sitting at the desk all day. Different work can also help to rest and to recharge not to mention take your mind off existing problems. A few of the before and after pictures below.

Kitchen before hand painting

Kitchen after hand painting

Bags of Gravel for the path

Top soil removed from path

New concrete path laid

Insulating the shed

Raising rafters, adding boards to shed

Installing sockets, lights and painting shed

Shed walls and floor painted

laminate floors being laid in Shed

Laminate laid shed now a GYM

Woodshed foundation dug and concrete laid

Building the frame for woodshed

Mounting the side of wood shed to the wall

Roof added to wood shed

Back door on woodshed

Front door on woodshed and ready for logs
You've made it across, you took on the challenge and another new habit is formed for a happier you
I’ve plenty of other challenges I could put on the page such as bare foot running, becoming a Toastmaster, stopped drinking beer and then decided to stay off it for good (Well I still drink wine and a wee whiskey), given up eating biscuits, and lots more.
If you want a Coaching partner to help you with your challenges then hit the button below and lets start the challenge.