Self-care Toolkit: #2 The importance of Writing or Journalling
It can be difficult to talk about your frustrations, feelings, worries or the multitude of ideas and tasks you would love to complete, so another option is writing or specifically starting your very own daily Journal. Remember watching T.V. when the younger brother was chased through the house as he brandished the journal of his older sister over his head, jeering he knows its secrets that would ruin her entire school life forever if loose lipped. We look on journals now as a way to reflect and write about the day, good or bad while also carefully adding the secrets that you dare not speak of---------your wants and desires. So, the journal is the first place you utter in ink your wants and desires and this in turn will give you the courage to talk about them and soon after follow their path.
My most recent journal template:
Grateful For: List as many experiences, people and stuff in general I was grateful for today.
The best thing that happened today: The best could be anything but the process naturally makes you reflect on all the potential positive outcomes you've had today as you determine what was the best one. In so doing the choice becomes more difficult as you realise plenty of positive things happened today. I usually find more grateful reflections pop into my mind that can be added to 1. Grateful For. I believe I got this approach from Declan Coyle’s book - “The Green Platform”.
Belief reflection: Free form writing on what I am all about right now, how I am feeling, and anything I want to reflect on that occurred during the day. Some of this stuff is way out there but that is okay as its only a mind dump anyway. The process can also give you a felling of calmness and compassion and If you’ve only a particular sized content area to write your reflection, you can easily find yourself filling the lines and looking for more space. I know of one person that only has a Reflection type of section in their journal and has to pry themselves away in the morning so they won’t be late for work.
Things I would like to change or am still curious about: Items or ideas I might want to change or create and items I am curious about but have no clear actions to take or feel compelled to take at this time. These are not a to-do list for the next day rather musings to sit in my unconscious mind. If an item comes up again or in another form then I guess it’s important and will naturally fall into action.
This template is full of reflection, compassion and an easy future focused outlook to keep me thinking and positive. It works well writing the last thing before I sleep as it closes the day nicely with some future focus that is low key and won’t have me thinking when I should be sleeping. I already have weekly and daily work tasks in a separate routine which is wise as thinking about and tracking work tasks and especially unfinished tasks last thing at night doesn’t always promote healthy sleep. This template is very busy however and can be a chore to work through if tired so a simpler version might be to do points 1 and 4 or 2 and 3 only as a good happy medium.
What do folks general journal about?
Well, everyone is different and with journals being very personal and unique, I’m sure there are a million reasons why folks write. Some journal because they enjoy writing and practicing writing, some like to reflect on the day but then leave it behind, looking forward to starting a new day with no baggage. Others like tasks and goal setting while others use it to explore ideas and analyse how and why things worked as they did today and what new ideas can be attempted tomorrow. Some like to use it as a way to cope with what life is throwing at them and release any trapped steam of the day. On this vein, there is more deliberate journaling for stress, anxiety and depression these days with plenty of research done as noted at with many more articles besides as a quick web search will show you.
But, do I need a journal?
I reflect on this a lot and a part of me says I only journal because there is something unfulfilled or an issue yet to be worked out that makes me have to manage it another way, basically I’m not coping via my normal routines or tools and need something to help. Over the years when I went on holidays and turned everything off, including my mind, to be in the moment enjoying a break, I felt I didn’t need to journal at all. I have a habit of viewing journaling as a Monday – Friday task and have missed many a weekend day journaling. I always find it difficult to put my finger on how my journaling helped me today and what I got out of it? I’ve gone through eleven different versions of a daily journal template so that was a whisper I might not have been gaining what I needed from the process. I haven’t journaled full time either and had many natural breaks or lost the passion for it, but usually found my way back for one reason or another.
I know some people get huge benefit and an energy rush from the whole experience, especially if they write free form reflections. But, I’m not one of those and it's more subtle for me. I believe I have plenty of good routines during the day now that negates the need to journal as I did before and so my journaling isn’t a prolific as it once was.
You don’t need to be a writer, have trauma or an issue in your life to start journaling as a lot of people and many famous folks journal to help with their ongoing work and constant flow of ideas. In this fast-paced world there is something to be said for finding at least ten minutes of quiet reflection for yourself, some folks breathe, some meditate but you can use that time to write in a journal just as easy. I would recommend to try it for yourself, create a template that might work for you and give it a go. Below shows an example of my V6 template and should give you more ideas to help settle on what works for you.
Journal Template V6
Today’s Headline
Write how you want tomorrow to go as if it was a positive headline in a newspaper
Yesterday’s Reflection
Free form writing on yesterday’s events, how I felt etc.
Yesterday’s positive mindset tasks
Three things I am grateful for
The most positive thing that happened today
Living an EASSED Life:
Did I exercise?
Did I meditate?
Did I do a RAK (Random act of kindness)
Did I eat well
Did I sleep well?
Take Backs today
Take the Power Back or Take Backs. Situations where I took my power back of didn’t give it away. Particularly in situations when I felt I might shy away from something, someone or a task leaving me feeling a little less in control and powerless.
Get Moving Tasks
Tasks could include work, home life or social tasks as well as those that help with self-esteem, courage, not being afraid etc.
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