Fundamentals of Change
There is so much content out there regarding change; How to make a change? How to keep change going? How to start a change program? What to do if change is imposed upon you etc.? At the heart of any change there should be a set of common fundamental ideas or practices that can always be followed to increase your success.
I’ve been through many changes over my life with some being successful and others not. I’ve had change imposed on me and sought after change in my lifestyle and work life. During all this I’ve grasped to find the change fundamentals endeavoring to follow their plan long after the initial excitement and passion of making the change passes. I’ve come up with 6 fundamentals that are important to me:
Change = Do something different
It's as simple as that
Point your energy and focus in a new direction and towards something different. Even a very small amount of energy taking small steps will do. Once you direct energy and focus to something new, that point of focus can’t ignore it, neither can you ignore what is now in your focus. Consider this so, If you talk directly to someone, neither of you can consciously ignore that energy. You can pretend it's not happening, not engage with it but there is energy there to be harnessed if you so choose.
Change = Take responsibility
Do you have excuses or do you take responsibility?
Both options produce great stories on why you couldn’t do something; the bad luck you had, how person X hampered the whole plan etc. OR how you told stories about starting something new, took the first steps and kept going even when it was hard, and the results that followed. There is only either excuses or responsibility. Have a look back when you started a change plan and recall what types of stories you told others and yourself. When I was doing well I found I was being 100% responsible and my stories were about success versus excuses.
Change = Desire
Desire will beat “Will-Power” every time
It helps if you have a burning desire to take on the change. Easier said than found I know, but having an underlying purpose and vision on why this change is needed and why it will be a part of your existence henceforth always produces a better desire for change. Desire is a double edge word however and while you need strong desire to make a change, you will also battle strong existing desire, triggers and routines to keep an old habit going.
Change = Perseverance
Even when it's hard and you don’t want to, do it; get in there, get at em.
The top change performers know what they need to do, when they need to do it and continue even when they are not in the mood. Substitute new routines when old desire triggers kick in. For example if you are quitting smoking or cutting back on the chocolate biscuits and you get triggered with the desire to smoke or eat i.e. A desire trigger fires when you take your first sip of coffee in the morning or switch the kettle on for a cup of tea. Add in a new routine here like grabbing a piece of fruit instead of a cigarette or biscuit. Do it routinely until the habit forms and you’ve created a new habit on an existing desire trigger.
Change = Conscious incompetence and Conscious competence
Stay the course and break through these two stages of competence
With any change you are doing something new, learning new skills, it might be hard or be a big energy drainer initially. But don’t beat yourself up, you are doing your best while you understand what needs to be done, how to do it and are endeavoring to complete new ways of doing things until you pass through to unconscious competence where it all becomes a habit for excellence. Self-compassion is critical here.
Change = Support
Everyone needs help to get to the top, who is helping you?
Sometimes we feel we have to do everything ourselves but we should always ask for help. The help could be moral support and a conversation versus hands on help. Having the support and a motivational hit will help your quest when you need it most. Any change needs a support agent, a partner in action, a partner in motivation.
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